Mark Rinkel Mark Rinkel

Spinning Under Control

We often hear stories of how things are “spinning out of control.”

How much better if we first seek Jesus and HIS Kingdom? It will end up with life and ministry both “spinning under HIS control!

It is something that both you and I see within 4D’s ministry...

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Mark Rinkel Mark Rinkel

Join Us in Empowering Children Across Eastern Europe!

This week is the time when we remember Pentecost (May 19th). It is the official start of sharing the Good News (or missions)! Some would call it the birth of the Church. Christ gave the Great Commission just before He returned to the Father. At that occasion, He told his followers to wait until the Holy Spirit would empower and fill them.

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Mark Rinkel Mark Rinkel

Special Easter Update from Hank!

So many children, youth, and their leaders throughout Eastern Europe wish they could knock at your door to say thank you. But maybe it would be too big of a crowd at your door… So, let me say a very big thank you on behalf of them instead!!!

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Mark Rinkel Mark Rinkel

A Special Update from Hank Paulson

Before I share a secret, let me thank you so very much for being a tremendous inspiration and help as together we partner in HIS Kingdom. Especially this past year!

Earlier last month we had “Giving Tuesday”. I am glad God does not have “Giving Tuesday”, but that His generosity and love are everlasting. And, His greatest gift was His Son, which we celebrate this Christmas season. Where would we be without Him?

Now you may wonder, “What is your secret?”

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