
Romania is a country located in southeastern Europe, known for its rich history and diverse landscapes. The capital city is Bucharest. Romania features the Carpathian Mountains, the Danube River, and a coastline along the Black Sea.

A majority of the population in Romania identifies as members of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Less than 5% of the population identifies as Evangelical Christians.

Despite a rich Christian heritage, Romania faces challenges with secularism and a decline in active church participation. 4D Ministries supports initiatives like the VIA Church Model in Cluj, which focuses on missional engagement, church planting, leadership development, and the Ambassadors Together program, which engages youth through camps and outreach events.


  • Pastor Sandel Teaching Children in Romania

    Ambassadors Together

    Over 60 camps were held across Romania in 2024. More than half of the participants were from unchurched families. Youth festivals are also held attracting young people through music and workshops. In the evening, the Gospel is shared with an audience of young people that otherwise would not be exposed.

  • Pastor Rei on the stage sharing with his congregation at Via Church.

    Via Institute

    The Via Institute focuses on mobilizing local churches to fulfill their God given missional mandate by equipping, resourcing and hands-on serving.

    - Church Planting Workshop – Goal: to inspire and mobilize church leaders to start planting new relevant and visionary churches

    - Church Planting Course to teach and train theology students in church planting

    - Leadership Training Workshops – Goal: to grow relevant (in step with times) and prophetic (a step ahead of times) leaders who will be able to assist churches in their God given mission.

    - Marriage Masterpiece Workshops 

  • Picture of all the kids at the Bonus Pastor Camp

    Bonus Pastor (Good Shepard)

    The Bonus Pastor Foundation exists to help those seeking rescue and recovery from addiction, including alcohol, drug, gambling, and sexual addictions, their families and dependents. Our Christian faith is at the heart of how we address addiction through our five main initiatives: Prevention, Therapy, Aftercare, Professional Training, Spiritual Growth.

    Children’s Prevention Camps are primarily intended for children who live in families affected by addiction, but we also make exceptions for other children on a case by case basis. Our goal is to break the cycle of addiction and to provide a community experience for participating children, which is a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.