It does not matter where the wind comes from, it matters how you adjust your sails.

It is all about empowering churches in Eastern Europe fulfill their mission. We do this by connecting them with partners from across the world and make different resources available, so as to help them become more outward looking and fruitful. Or much simpler said – we are dedicated to putting the wind in their sails. (Hank Paulson)

4D’s largest ministry project: Ambassadors Together

In 2023, 4D partnered with 98 churches, 1,821 volunteers and leaders, reaching out to 16,875 kids, with at least 45% unchurched kids attending and at least 50% of the project covered by local funding.

How your dollar was used this past year

The information was taken from our 2023 annual report and 990 filing.

Administration / 3.6%
Fundraising / 1.4%
Program services / 95.0%

Why your gift has so much impact


4D’s low US overhead allows for most of the gift to be used in ministry.


It helps engage indigenous teams on the field, which are highly qualified and well received by their own churches, to become a ministry model that is reproducible and more sustainable.


Your support goes further through lower cost of living for nationals and has instant impact as they are fully functioning in their own culture.


Special efforts are also encouraging local ownership and sacrifices in each country where 4D ministers.


Why is 4D uniquely positioned?

Because of its track record of trust and ministry of over 45 years. 4D is known for its reputation and partnerships across denominations, cultural and geographic borders.

Why is the local church so central in what 4D does?

It’s God’s idea to use it as an instrument to proclaim redemption through Christ and reconciliation with the Father. Christ did not only call us to gather the redeemed ones, but to also go out as ambassadors of reconciliation to a broken world. The local church is a multi-talented community, relevant to the needs of the unchurched.

What does it mean to be field driven?

A value that results in ministry not starting with our US staff, our finances or programs, but it starts with looking at the fields (John 4:35). It starts with questioning and listening. It’s about validating, building bridges, and empowering according to their felt needs.

How can we help the church to be missional?

To share with them God’s vision and plan, to coach and to nurture the leaders, to develop partnerships and to provide tools for stewardship ministry, online materials, public school ministry, camps and other resources for follow up such as LeaderXpress.

Why is generosity so important?

Generosity reflects the God we follow (who gave His Son to redeem us) and who’s ambassadors we are called to be. Generosity is not a reflection of percentages or amounts, but our hearts’ condition and closeness to our Lord. Generosity is demonstrated in material, relational and organizational ways. It basically says, “Your Kingdom first”.


Po Box 120, Monument, CO 80132.

Thank you so much for your interest in 4D Ministries. If you need any assistance during the donation process or have any questions, please contact us.

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