Pastor Săndel is no stranger to challenges. The day before his first kids’ camp at a small Roma church in southern Romania, he learned that no one had invited the local children! With the camp starting the next day, he needed a solution—and fast.

Though not from a Roma community, Săndel grew up in poverty, abandoned to an orphanage at age 8. His path turned from rebellion when he was invited to a camp and secretly began reading the Bible. That changed everything. He gave his life to Christ and was baptized, overcoming great obstacles to finish school and attend seminary. Săndel later became an intern in a program for young pastors sponsored by 4D Ministries.

Determined to share the gospel with this hard-to-reach population, Săndel gathered teens from a youth group he pastors through the foster care system, and together they headed to the Roma neighborhood that evening.

Poor and often neglected, the Roma kids responded eagerly to the balloons Săndel’s team offered—promising more fun at the camp. The next day, over 40 Roma children came to church for the first time in their lives!

Săndel’s teens led them, sharing God’s love and hope.

The Roma, often referred to as “Gypsies,” though many consider it a slur, are a difficult group to reach with the gospel. Yet, through 4D Ministries’ support, leaders like Săndel are transforming lives is some of the hardest places.

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