Special Easter Update from Hank!

So many children, youth, and their leaders throughout Eastern Europe wish they could knock at your door to say thank you. But maybe it would be too big of a crowd at your door… So, let me say a very big thank you on behalf of them instead!!!

Jesus often used farming in his parables. Everyone could identify. They also knew that there would not be a harvest and food to eat, unless first, seed is planted in the soil. It reminds me of a saying Mona has displayed in our kitchen, “Sacrifice is giving up something, for a more valued item.”

And isn’t this what Easter is all about: God giving His only Son for the redemption of you and me? Amazing that He loved us so very much! Then forty days after His resurrection, Jesus sent us into the world, to share the Good News and make disciples. Not only that, but He promised through his Holy Spirit to be with us to the ends of the earth. (Imagine: no airplanes, tv, or internet or… and still His great mandate was and still is: all of the world!)

With winter almost behind us, we welcome springtime. Not only as the end of winter, but also to prepare us for summer and another harvest. But wait. There is no harvest unless the seeds are planted.

Already before the end of 2023, more than 1,000 leaders and volunteers started planning for the upcoming camp season. (Last year, almost 10,000 kids were in camp and an additional 7,000 more attended three-day festivals.) Over 1,000 leaders are planting seeds right now and are asking you and me to once again come alongside and be part of HIS team!

One of these leaders is Janci in Slovakia. But first, let me backtrack and show how God does not only give immediate, but also long-term fruit.

During the Communist era, one elderly couple we often visited was George and Maria. (George had been in prison for his faith for a full year). One day, a student in his city wanted a Bible to study to help him discover its weaknesses and be a better atheist. After a long period, one of his fellow students gave him the address of a church where he might find one. When he went, he was greeted by George, who told the student, “Let’s talk after the service.” When the student asked for a Bible, George told him he should return the following week and he would try to find one. A week later, the student returned and after the service, there was a similar conversation. One more week later, George had a Bible, carefully wrapped in paper, so no one could see the precious gift and know what it was. The student took it with him and started reading. Just like Saul on the road to Damascus, he was convinced by the truth and surrendered to Christ. Soon after that, his girlfriend also did. Those two students are involved in full-time Christian ministry today, and Janci is one of their sons – following God’s call, but also the example of his parents.

So, back to Janci. After being part of his father’s church and becoming an associate and youth pastor, he is now a church planter in a nearby town. He also is part of a network that helps other leaders to have churches that are outward-looking and impacting their city and their country.

Under Janci’s leadership, 4D enables a website (LeaderXpress) with tools and encouragement for others involved in ministry. About 300 people are using it. It’s been growing steadily on average about 10% each year. 

Janci is also responsible for a podcast with 492 followers and around 300 unique visitors each month.

It is exciting to hear the responses and how God changes lives

One pastor and user put it this way: “I consider LeaderXpress not just a source of inspiration in the area of leadership and spiritual principles, but it also is a lively community. I am a big fan!”

In 2024, Janci hopes to be part of 4D’s Ambassadors Together, and have one or two camps that are for over 30% unchurched children and youth, with local Christians paying over 50% of the cost. It is a major seed planting, cultivating, and harvesting event. And even after the harvest, the work continues and keeps multiplying.

It’s encouraging, isn’t it? It’s exciting to see God use our partnership (you and 4D) with people like Janci and his network, and others like Rei, Liza, and so many others throughout Eastern Europe!

Let’s share the wonderful Easter News “He is Risen!” with those in Eastern Europe. Let’s join hands today with a special Easter gift or through a monthly partnership. 

If we help sow seeds now, we can rejoice, seeing how God produces the fruit these coming months. (Both short-term and long-term fruit – lives that are transformed and are used in ministry for years to come.)


2023 Annual Report


Prayer Request: Ukraine