Thank You for Making a Difference!

We want to thank you and our amazing partners in Europe, like Rei, Doroteea, Liza, Gabriel, Daniel and so many more. And, together, we can thank God for the amazing “harvest season” He has given.

It’s too early to have all the numbers and reports, but the initial sense is that again this year, about 10,000 kids were able to go to camp, with 40% of them unchurched! That is an amazing 4,000 kids who learned about Jesus for the first time and saw life modeled for an entire six or seven days. Many of them responded and are brought into local clubs for follow-up and growth as a result.

There were some overall changes: a few larger churches in Romania were encouraged to go “solo” (they were still part of our network and involved in training, but they received no financial help). This made “room” for other smaller churches to join. Some of these smaller churches are in smaller towns (often where people have emigrated from or work in the large cities and children are left with grandparents). Other small churches are newly started and found the missional camps to be one of the best ways to reach out.

The weather often was a challenge with very hot weather during July and August and much rain and flooding before and after that. Again, we praise God that there were no reports of injury or serious sickness. Thank you for your prayers too!!

Tereza in Czech Republic wrote: “Last year we had 19 mission camps, and this year, 21 camps.” About 30% of those attending were unchurched. A total of 583 children. In addition, there were other Ambassador Together camps as well, like one for Ukrainian kids, now living in Czech Republic, Roma (gipsy) kids in Romania, deaf kids in Moldova, children in Ukraine that lost a parent in the war, and so many other special need groups.

Mark and Sherri Rinkel visiting Moldova.

Day camp leaders meet before children arrive

Lisa and her husband Ivan meet each morning with their staff and volunteers.

After five years on the 4D board (and before Mark became the new President of 4D Ministries on Sept. 1), Mark and his wife Sherri traveled again to Eastern Europe this summer and reported about their visit in Moldova: “Liza and her husband Ivan lead the camps, but the success of each camp is dependent on a group of dedicated youth volunteers. With little exception, the volunteers previously attended the camps and learned about Jesus themselves. Each morning, Liza and Ivan start with a devotion for them as well as a time of prayer. The schedule of the day is discussed, and responsibilities are assigned to ensure more than 100 kids experience a fun, safe camp, but also hear the gospel through bible stories, skits and singing.”

After the camps were over, Liza wrote: “We had ten camps that reported already. This summer was blessed and fruitful. I receive many good reports. Very happy for all the leaders who are writing about fruit of their summer camps. Now there are many parents who want their children to come during the school year [to the Pearl after school program].”

It’s so exciting to see fruit from one year become workers one or two years later. And to see new churches looking at what is being done in their region, then coming and asking, “Can we join too?”

Then there are programs that run twelve months a year, like the internet ministry—a large network of church-based selected and trained volunteer e-coaches who are responding to online inquiries (matching region and gender). The internet ministry serves as another powerful and effective way to share the Good News with people seeking. After a five-lesson course (with topics like “Why Jesus?” or “loneliness”) the trust and relationship with the e-coach has often grown enough to be invited to meet over coffee or to meet other participants in the program in a small group setting for more study and growth.

With your help, we keep nurturing and empowering those sharing the Good News of Jesus and His salvation. Together, we can make a difference. That’s why we call our largest program: Ambassadors Together!

So, with Thanksgiving approaching, let us thank God for the privilege of seeing Him at work in Eastern Europe and for you and me to be a part of HIS plan.

And let’s help both with the follow-up and preparations for winter camps and Ambassadors Together 2025!

A matching gift (at least up to $10,000) is available for your special Thanksgiving and yearend gift if designated for Where Most Need (WMN) or Ambassadors Together (camps)!

Your gift of $28 enables one child to go to camp for an entire week!

Four thousand unchurched kids were able to hear about Jesus (and experience a Christ-centered community) for the first time. Now, it is time to help them grow and prepare for the year ahead! Let’s help them enter a “cycle of hope”!

Ten thousand kids attended 4D-sponsored camps in Romania, Czech Republic, & other countries throughout Eastern Europe.


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