A change at the helm, but not of direction...

How are you doing? We love to hear from you, and we appreciate you so much!
On our end, things are going well and there are some important changes coming up. I wanted you to be among the first to know.

Growing older (76 in May) has made me move from "time-management" to "energy management" (fewer creative hours in the day). 
My calling has not changed, but we do have to consider the future of 4D and its partners, and how we can best prepare for that future.  While we had a "back up" plan if something unexpected would happen to me, a transition has much more potential of success if the founder can support and help the transition to be successful. It also is a matter of stewardship towards God (the owner of 4D), and also towards special members of the team, like you. So, my service will continue, but my role will change.
At the end of March, the 4D board unanimously accepted my proposal and we began the process of making Mark Rinkel my successor in the role of President of 4D Ministries. You can read his bio and interview below. 
The official date that Mark will begin in his new role will be September 1 of this year, while I will continue to do the donor mailings (project letters) in the US until the end of the year.
Even after that, I will still be a member of the board, part of the board "communications committee" and the "grant committee". I also will be an advisor/mentor to those within 4D and some outside. Also, I will continue to be the back-office for the ministry in Poland that we partner with.
There are no changes in staff roles in Europe.
Mona and I also will have more time with family (eight grandchildren) and we hope to see family in Europe, including my sister (six years older) with serious health issues in Switzerland, in May. 
Be assured our hearts and prayers (Mona’s and mine) are still with you, and our calling continues!
During this high season of summer camps, please keep 4D in your prayers and help us to move forward with sharing the gospel with kids throughout Eastern Europe.
With much appreciation for years of partnership together,

Hank (and Mona)

Mark and Sherri Rinkel

Mark Rinkel was born in 1972 to Dutch immigrants who later served as missionaries to the Czech Republic.  After graduate school, Mark worked for several municipal law enforcement agencies implementing and managing technology projects.  Later, he continued a successful career in the private sector with continued focus on law enforcement technology.  Mark and his wife, Sherri, retired early in 2019 to travel full-time for several years before settling down in Southwest Florida.   
Mark began serving on the 4D Ministries Board of Directors in 2019 and served as Board Secretary shortly thereafter.  In 2023, he visited and met with ministry partners in Moldova and Romania along with two other board members.  Later the same year, Mark and Sherri travelled to Czech Republic and Slovakia, meeting additional ministry partners as part of a 4D Vision Tour.
Mark and Sherri are active members of Northside Baptist Church in North Fort Myers, Florida.  Mark participates in congregational teaching as well teaching an adult Sunday School class.  Sherri also teaches a teen girls Sunday School class.  They are so encouraged by the work the Lord is doing in the local church and look forward to helping local churches grow in Eastern Europe.

1) Mark, what did you and Sherri like about 4D when you first learned about it?
We were excited about supporting 4D for several reasons. First, the Ambassadors Together ministry's focus is on the next generation. Growing the church depends on children learning about Jesus and Ambassadors Together is an excellent ministry to reach children who otherwise would not attend church. Secondly, 4D's encouragement to the church in Eastern Europe. The ministry partners are motivated and innovative and know how to reach those needing to hear about Jesus better than an outsider.  Finally, we really appreciate how carefully the ministry stewards the resources given. 4D is focused on the work of the partners and maintains very low overhead and administrative costs.
2) Which teams in Europe did you visit last year?
Lisa and her team in Moldova, Rei and his team in Romania, Tomáš (Prague), Daniel (Prague), Marek, and Janci from Slovakia. I also, of course, we met Gabriel and the 4D staff as well.
3) What do you see as a key strength(s) in 4D?
4D is focused on the local churches in Eastern Europe. We don't just strive for new believers, but we also want to see those new believers connected and growing within the local church. Our partners are key to making it happen. We don't go to them with a plan of how to reach unbelievers in their own communities. They share a strategy with us on how unbelievers can be reached. Our supporters share their vision and together a plan is implemented. Each year we are greatly encouraged by what God is accomplishing through these field-driven ministries!
4) What made you give up your early retirement and get more involved?
We retired early after successful careers that demanded a lot from us. Retirement is nice, but we know God has given us more to offer. We've been involved with 4D as supporters, and I've served on the board of directors for several years. But we've felt led by God to contribute more of our time and energy to further the goal of encouraging local churches in Eastern Europe. We want to use what God has given us to serve Him - because there is no greater purpose.
5) What change(s) would you like in the years ahead?
We expect there will be changes in the years ahead, but we want to always stay true to our mission and the values of the organization. We are looking forward to pursuing additional supporters who share and believe in the mission of empowering the local church in Eastern Europe. We also want to seek new ways to connect our supporters with our overseas partners and the work they are doing. Finally, although the message of Jesus doesn't change, our partners find new opportunities and methods to spread the gospel and grow the local church. We look forward to exploring the many new ways God can use us to reach the lost.
6) How do you see Hank's role in the years ahead?
We are blessed to continue in the years ahead with Hank by our side. His experience and expertise is a key strength of the organization. Hank will continue as a board member to help shape the future of the organization, but also as an important adviser to help maintain consistency with our partners and supporters moving forward. Hank always has the heart of a missionary and although his time and travel obligations will decrease, his wisdom and encouragement will continue to be an important part of 4D Ministries.
7) How can others in the US be best involved and part of the team going forward?
As a supporter of the ministry before accepting the opportunity to contribute in more of a leadership role, I've learned the importance of generosity. God has given me resources to contribute, time to pray, and the energy to serve. Without Him, I have nothing to offer. By responding to a need to help build His kingdom, I am the beneficiary, and I am honored to be called by God to do so. At 4D, we want to be a conduit for the partnership created by those in the US and the local church in Eastern Europe. The result of that partnership benefits the local church and the US supporter!
We always want to seek more ways to be involved in the ministry. Certainly, learning more about our partners and their work is important. Prayer is critical as we submit our needs to God and thank Him for the many blessings we receive through our partnerships. Supporting our partners financially as well as through service greatly increases the number of non-believers reached, whether through children's camps in Romania or podcast listeners in the Czech Republic. Finally, we have opportunities to share and involve more people in supporting the mission to build the church in Eastern Europe. 


Join Us in Empowering Children Across Eastern Europe!


2023 Annual Report