Mark and Sherri Rinkel

In the Fall of 2024, Mark began an increasingly active role as President after serving on the Board of Directors and supporting the ministry for several years. He was born to Dutch immigrants who later served as missionaries to the Czech Republic. Mark and Sherri retired early from successful careers in Tech and Law Enforcement in 2019 and spent several years traveling full-time. 

Mark and Sherri have always appreciated how 4D is focused on the local churches in Central and Eastern Europe. 4D doesn’t just strive for new believers, but strive to see those new believers connected and growing within the local church.

The partners are key to making it happen. 4D doesn’t go to them with a plan of how to reach unbelievers in their own communities. The partners share a strategy with us on how unbelievers can be reached. Our supporters share their vision and together a plan is implemented. Each year we are greatly encouraged by what God is accomplishing through these field-driven ministries!

We encourage you to use the form below to sign-up and stay connected to the ministry.

You can also support Mark and Sherri by contributing to their support.