
Rei Abrudan has been a special friend and partner for more than 25 years.  Rei is the pastor of Via Church in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is in charge of the Via Institute Ministry and along with his team, coordinates the Ambassadors Together program in Romania. 


More about the VIA Institute: 

It focuses on mobilising local churches to fulfill their God given missional mandate by equipping, resourcing and hands-on serving.

  • Church Planting Workshop – Goal: to inspire and mobilize church leaders to start planting new relevant and visionary churches
  • Church Planting Course – Goal: to teach and train theology students in church planting
  • Leadership Training Workshops – Goal: to grow relevant (in step with times) and prophetic (a step ahead of times) leaders who will be able to assist churches in their God given mission.
  • Marriage Masterpiece Workshops